Pictures of a jumping spider (salticidae family ???) in New Jersey
I found this tiny jumping spider in my house and took a few pictures.
this spider is very small.
Jumping spiders are amazing creatures. Unlike other spiders they do
not build webs to catch preys, but they pounce on them (hence the
name). They have two huge eyes facing forward (and 4 smaller ones),
and have excellent vision, despite their small brain (100,000 neurons
or so), and despite the very low resolution of their retinae (on the
order of 5 pixels horizontally and 12 pixels vertically). They can
move their retinae to change their gaze, and can even vibrate them to
increase the effective resolution of the image. Using this trick, they
can get a good estimate of the size, direction, and distance of
their prey (see wikipedia) for
more details).
The pictures were taken with a Nikon Coolpix S4, which is not the
best thing for macrophoto.
If you happen to know the species of this salticida, drop
me a note at yann [at] lecun [dot] org.
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