1986 Connectionist Models Summer School, CMU


This is the official picture taken at the first Connectionist Models Summer School organized by Geoff Hinton, Terry Sejnowski and Dave Rumelhart at Carnegie-Mellon University in July 1986.

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Here is a non-exhaustive list of people in the picture: Dave Ackley, Richard Durbin, Bart Selman, Dave Plaut, Bartlett Mel, Jim Anderson, Andy Barto, Richard Golden, Michael Mozer, Stanislas Dehaene, Mitsuo Kawato, Yves Chauvin, Yann LeCun, Jonathan Bachrach, Michael Jordan, Jim Hendler, David Willshaw, Dave Parker, Eric Saund, Charlie Rosenberg, Steve Nowlan, Dana Ballard, Dave Touretzky, Jay McClelland, Geoff Hinton, Terry Sejnowski.