This is a small delta wing made of 100% Depron. Wingspan: 620mm; length: 450mm (including 80mm elevon); mass 200g all included; motor: Astro mighty 010 brushless; battery: 7-8 cells, 350-700mAh; radio: Hitec feather with HS-55 sub-micro servos. The wings are made a single sheet of 3mm depron folded over 4 ribs and a spar made of 6mm depron. They use a symmetric airfoil with a maximum thickness of 60mm. With 6 cells, it is a bit underpowered, but it flies fine with 7 or 8 cells.
I later modified the Delta Depron to use a fan powered by a Speed-300. This was a failure: the plane was underpowered. Here are the pictures anyway.